The History of the Department

The first serious attempts to teach Kurdish language and literature at academic levels in Iran return back to two optional courses on elementary and advanced Kurdish grammar that were designed and taught by the late Dr. Mohammad Sedigh Moftizade at Tehran University in the1970s. Dr. Moftizadeh complied some textbooks for these courses which are still available. The initial steps toward the formal establishment of the department of Kurdish language and literature at UOK, however, were first taken in the late 1990s and early 2000s by Dr. Baxtiar Sajjadi, Dr Najmedin Jabbari, who were then officially assisted by a number of other scholars including Dr. Gholamhossein Karimi Doustan, Dr Navid Naghshbandi, and Dr. Ne’matollah Azizi. Finally the official committee of the Kurdish language and literature department was founded in 2014 by Dr. Baxtiar Sajjadi, who were then appointed as the first head of the department. To enrich its scientific capacities, more academic staff were added to the department of Kurdish language and literature: Dr. Behouz Chamanara in 2015, Dr. Zaniar Naghshbandi and Dr. Yadollah Pashabadi in 2016, and Dr. Farhad Mohammadi in 2020. Additionally, a number of part-time lecturers are invited each semester based on the educational requirements of the department. A total number of 175 BA students have been graduated from the department of Kurdish language and literature so far.

The History of Head of Depatrment

Associate Professor