Faculty Profile

Zakarya Bezdoode
Update: 2024-09-12

Zakarya Bezdoode

Faculty of Language and Literature / Department of English Literature & Linguistics

Articles Faculty

Journal Papers

  1. "“In the dead of night, a cry” by Ata Nahai"
    Zakarya Bezdoode
    Middle Eastern Literatures, 2024
  2. "Body Language and Its Implications in Joyce Carol Oates’s Short Fiction: A Discursive Reading"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Baran Fakhr Sheikholeslami
    Literary Discourse Analysis, 2023
  3. "Sayyed Qadir Hedayati Bardinah"
    Zakarya Bezdoode
    World Literature Today, 2022
  4. "Food, Eating, and Narrativization of Identity in Margaret Atwood’s Lady Oracle"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Sarisa Rahimi
    ANAFORA, 2022
  5. "Bringing Light to the Situation of Kurdish Women: Chinur Sa’idi’s Hobbies of Mr. Like-a-Man"
    Zakarya Bezdoode
    World Literature Today, 2022
  6. "The Levinasian Responsible Subject's Breaching the Face's Command: Inversion of the Master-Slave Relationship in Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam Trilogy"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Negar Monfared Saeed
    Critical Literary Studies, 2021
  7. "Kurdish subjectivity: Liminal Kurd characters stymied in harsh liminal contexts in Sherzad Hassan’s short fiction"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Golchin Amani
    British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 2020
  8. "Heroism in the Age of Consumerism: The Emergence of a Moral Don Quixote in John Updike’s “A & P”"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Eshaq Bezdoode
  9. "Wordsworth and Traherne: Metaphysical or Romantic"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Somayeh ghorbani
    Forum for World Literature Studies, 2020
  10. "Author-Function and Modes of Writing in Narration: Reading Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and Julian Barnes’ The Noise of Time"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Payam Babaie
    Critical Literary Studies, 2019
  11. "André Brink’s Rumors of Rain: An Intersection of Entangled Liminal Beings"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Golchin Amani
    Forum for World Literature Studies, 2018
  12. "Dr. Noon Loves His Wife More Than Mussadiq: A Rememory of Politics and Paternity in Iran in the 1960s"
    Cyrus Amiri, Zakarya Bezdoode
    CSCanada Studies in Literature and Language, 2016
  13. "Self-Government in One Hundred Years of Solitude: A Contributing Factor in Originating Dominant, Residual, and Emergent Perspectives"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Golchin Amani
    Mediterranean journal of social sciences, 2016
  14. "A De Manian (mis)Reading of Shakespeare's Procreation Sonnets"
    Zakarya Bezdoode
  15. "Femininity, Identity and Memory: An Analysis of André Brink's Imaginings of Sand Based on Narrative Therapy"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Mojgan Sazvar
    پژوهش ادبیات معاصر جهان (پژوهش زبانهای خارجی سابق) - دانشگاه تهران, 2023
  16. "مصرف گرایی و امکان تصمیم عقلانی: بررسی تطبیقی رمان نگران نباش مهسا محب علی و داستان «ای اند پی» جان آپدایک"
    Cyrus Amiri, Zakarya Bezdoode, Eshaq Bezdoode
    ادبيات پارسي معاصر, 2020
  17. "Narrating Trauma and the Possibility of Re-Storying Identity in Farhad Pirbal's Potato Eaters"
    Cyrus Amiri, Zakarya Bezdoode
    جامعه شناسي فرهنگ و هنر, 2020
  18. "نقد و تحلیل کتاب نظریۀ ژانر"
    Cyrus Amiri, Zakarya Bezdoode
    پژوهشنامه انتقادي متون و برنامه هاي علوم انساني, 2019
  19. "دنیای پیش و پساآخرالزمانی مارگارت اتوود: تجلی سوژه لویناسی در ساحت "دیگری""
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Negar Monfared Saeed
    نقد زبان و ادبيات خارجي (پژوهشنامه ادبيات و علوم انساني سابق), 2017
  20. "مصادیق خودشرق شناسی در ادبیّات تطبیقی ایران"
    Cyrus Amiri, Zakarya Bezdoode
    نامه فرهنگستان, 2017
  21. "واسازی تاریخ و نمایش قدرت در نمایشنامه ی هنری چهارم"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Somayeh ghorbani
    نقد زبان و ادبيات خارجي (پژوهشنامه ادبيات و علوم انساني سابق), 2016
  22. "خوانش فوکویی دو اثر جی. دی. سلینجر"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Shahab Bahadorinia
    نقد زبان و ادبيات خارجي (پژوهشنامه ادبيات و علوم انساني سابق), 2015
  23. "شیوه های بازنمایی تصمیم ناپذیری و سرگردانی و دغدغه های هویتی انسان معاصر در رمان قطار شب مارتین ایمیس"
    Zakarya Bezdoode
    پژوهش ادبيات معاصر جهان (پژوهش زبانهاي خارجي سابق) - دانشگاه تهران, 2015
  24. "پدرکشی و تقابل نسلها در نمونه هایی از اساطیر و ادبیات جهان"
    Cyrus Amiri, Zakarya Bezdoode
    نقد زبان و ادبيات خارجي (پژوهشنامه ادبيات و علوم انساني سابق), 2013
  25. "بررسی تطبیقی کارکرد ساختاریِ شگرفی در درخت انجیر معابد احمد محمود و عمارت هفت شیروانی ناتانیل هاثورن"
    Cyrus Amiri, Zakarya Bezdoode
    نامه فرهنگستان, 2013
  26. "رام کردن زن سرکش: نقد فرهنگی بر شیوه های سرکوب صدای زن در دوره رنسانس"
    Cyrus Amiri, Zakarya Bezdoode
    پژوهش ادبيات معاصر جهان (پژوهش زبانهاي خارجي سابق) - دانشگاه تهران, 2013
  27. "زندگیهای دیگر آندره برینک: روایتی از هویت آفریکانرها در آفریقای جنوبی پساآپارتاید"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Amir Ali Nojoumian
    نقد زبان و ادبيات خارجي (پژوهشنامه ادبيات و علوم انساني سابق), 2012
  28. "بررسی عناصر روایت و کانون مشاهده در رمان "سخت تر شدن اوضاع""
    Gholamhosayn Karimidoustan, Zakarya Bezdoode, Maryam Soltanbead
    پژوهشهاي ادبي, 2008

Conference Papers

  1. "Amorphousness of Kurdish Novel Form: The (Im)possibility of a Poetics of Kurdish Novel"
    Zakarya Bezdoode
    International Institute for the Study of Kurdish Societies First Biennial Conference, 2017
  2. "Narrative as a Form of Remembrance and Identification with Dementia in Lisa Geneva's Still Alice"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Samane Zahedipour
    1st Conference on Narrative Across Literary Genres, 2017
  3. "Roberto Benigni’s Story of Life is Beautiful and The Importance of Telling Lies to Children"
    Zakarya Bezdoode
    The Fourth International Conference on Applied Research in Language Studies, 2016
  4. "Haiku as a Means of Narration in Richard Flanagan's The Narrow Road to the Deep North"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Eshaq Bezdoode
    First English-French Conference on Applied Linguistics and Literature, 2016
  5. "Levinas's Messianic Apocalypse vs. Margaret Atwood's Catastrophic Apocalypse"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Negar Monfared Saeed
    First English-French Conference on Applied Linguistics and Literature, 2016
  6. "Poetry or Pictures: The Poetic and the Metaphoric in Abbas Kiarostami's Films"
    Zakarya Bezdoode
    International Conference on Literature and Cinema, 2016
  7. "One Hundred Years of Solitude: Individual Agency and Structural Changes"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Golchin Amani
    The Third International Conference on Applied Research in Language Studies, 2016
  8. "André Brink’s An Act of Terror: A Liminal Era Abounded with Liminal Beings"
    Zakarya Bezdoode, Golchin Amani
    The 13th International TELLSI Conference, 2015
  9. "Failure of Storytelling in Education and Its Effects on the Culture"
    Zakarya Bezdoode
    International Conference on the Future of Culture, 2015
  10. "Iranian Hamlet: Iranian Cultural Elements in Mohammad Charmsheer's Adaptation of Hamlet"
    Zakarya Bezdoode
    The First International Conference on Shakespeare in Iran, 2014
  11. "Iranian Hamlet: Iranian Cultural Elements in Mohammad Charmsheer's Adaptation of Hamlet"
    Zakarya Bezdoode
    The First International Conference on Shakespeare in Iran, 2014
  12. "Anthony Smith’s Ethno-Genealogical Model of Nation and Its Uses in Literary Studies"
    Zakarya Bezdoode
    Criticism & Metacriticism Conference: A Critique on Philosophical Tenets, Critical Theories, & Literary Schools, 2013