Faculty Profile

Fardin Hosseinpanahi
Update: 2024-09-12

Fardin Hosseinpanahi

Faculty of Language and Literature / Department of Persian Language & Literature

Theses Faculty

M.Sc. Theses

  1. Adlerian reading of the subject characters in the novels "Call Me Beautiful" by Farhad Hassanzadeh and "Taste of Yellow Apple" by Nasser Yousefi
    Psychology of literature is one of the important interdisciplinary fields in the realms of literature and psychology. The novels "The Taste of Yellow Apple" by Naser Yousufi and "Call Me Beautiful" by Farhad Hassanzadeh, targeted for adolescent readers (12 to 18 years old), exhibit distinctive features such as the psychological and emotional challenges faced by the characters, the similarities in the themes of both stories involving the formation of their complexes of resentment toward their "fathers," internal contradictions and struggles of the adolescent subjects in both novels, their personal and societal frustrations, the nature of their complexes of resentment, and the unique lifestyles that take shape in connection with these issues in their fictional worlds. Also, the theme of "Neglected Children" in the world of children's and young adult literature provides reliable subjects for research in the field of the psychology of literature. This is particularly noteworthy because the mentioned issues are important and influential components in the biological and personal development of adolescents, as presented in these two novels within a narrative framework. Alfred Adler's individual psychology, distancing itself from psychoanalytic approaches based on inner impulses and the unconscious, elucidates the process of an individual's personality development within their social life. Emphasizing principles such as "feelings of inferiority" as the main catalyst and motivation for personal growth and development, Adler's approach focuses on the social nature of humans and their intellectual and personality evolution within the context of social relationships. The individual's ultimate goal in this process of personality development, shaping their overall "lifestyle," becomes a reliable foundation for the psychological critique of these two novels. In this thesis, we delve into the critique and examination of the characters presented in two novels, "The Taste of Yellow Apple" by Naser Yousufi and "Call Me Beautiful" by Farhad Hassanzadeh, relying on Alfred Adler's theory. The results of the analysis indicate that in these stories, the issue of abandoned or marginalized adolescent subjects and their complexes of inferiority is raised as their most important issue in dealing with the external environment beyond the home. Among the factors creating inferiority complexes in adolescent subjects in both stories, the situation of "abandoned or neglected adolescents" is an important factor in creating their inferiority complexes. Among these, confronting the outside environment provides an opportunity for adolescent self-awareness and a better understanding of their inferiority complexes. The sense of superiority in adolescents and the effort to create social interests develop in a self-aware manner during this confrontation with the external environment, prompting them to directly confront their psychological problems and crises. Consequently, their lifestyle takes shape in a self-aware and self-recognizing manner.
  2. Analyzing the Form and extratextual components in the narrative and semantic construction of Jila Hosseini's poems (with a comparative approach to Forough Farrokhzad's poems)
    Comparative literature is one of the important branches of literary criticism in which the similarities, differences, connections and ratios between literary works from different cultures, from the three aspects of the narrative text, the author and the reader, in relation to the narrative text or extratextual (and historical) contexts are examined. With this description, one of the positions of comparative literature research is to examine and analyze the poetic works of poets of different cultures. Zhila Hosseini (1375-1343) and Forough Farrokhzad (1345-1313) as two female poets from contemporary Kurdish and Persian literature, considering the similarity of their intellectual lines and life experiences, as two poets who tried to achieve individuality they have had in a traditional society, they are a suitable field for comparative study. Living in traditional families, marrying at a young age, failing in the first marriage, romantic and feminine language, and later a critical language based on modern individuality in the periods of their poetry's evolution are some of the common features of these two poets. For this reason, conducting such research to understand the poetic art of two female poets from Persian and Kurdish literature is one of the necessities of research in the field of comparative literature. In this research, based on the opinions of Jeffrey Leach and the descriptive-analytical research method, a comparative analysis of different types of deviance in the poems of Jila Hosseini and Forough Farrokhzad has been done. Also, relying on the intratextual components of their poems, the types of encounters of both poets with the environmental and social context (outside the text) have also been analyzed. The results of the research show that there is a significant variety in the use of different non-normative techniques in the poems of both poets, which has a significant role in the literary richness of their poems. In some ways, due to the linguistic diversity of Persian and Kurdish in Zila Hosseini's poems, the forms of deviance have also changed accordingly, which shows the importance of "language" in the development of literary context. Also, there have been significant intellectual and identity similarities between these two poets, as the attempt to achieve modern individuality can be seen in the poems of both of them, and they have had challenging relationships with their biological, cultural and social contexts, and the intellectual and The literature of two poets has also been closely related to these challenging confrontations.
  3. A Comparative Study of the Change of Simple Verbs to Compound Verbs in Modern Persian and Sorani-Kurdish Languages
    Persian and Kurdish languages, due to their natural tendency to refine words through linear combination of linguistic elements with each other, tend to produce compound verbs, as the use of expanded verbs in these languages is constantly decreasing and various and abundant constructions extending to composite structures are broken down with uniform and handful auxiliary verbs.This has had negative effects on word-making in the field of derivation. In this research, in order to explain the differences and distinctions in the construction of complex verbs in Persian and Kurdish, investigating the factors affecting the evolution of compound-extended verbs in each of these two languages, and explaining the role of factors such as social class, education and ideology in frequency and the application of complex verbs, with a comparative approach, to investigate the current constructs of expanded and compounded (especially expansionary constructions) Today's Persian and Sorani Kurdish languages are available today. The research method is descriptive-analytical. In the extraction of verbs (for the presented examples) certain textual corpora of Kurdish and Persian are used and only the text corpus written by educated people is not accepted and in order to achieve more accurate results in this field (especially in order to discover and evaluate effective extralingual factors), it is also fieldly collected from speakers of expanded and compound verbs. For this purpose, questions were prepared and the groups that reflected the totality of our statistical population were selected by "non-probability sampling" method and interviewed verbally and During the interview and oral questions, it was tried not to tell the subjects about the reason for the interview (and the subject of the investigation) in order to reduce the likelihood of the effect of the defaults and deliberately on the interview's "speech text" as much as possible. The results indicated the effect of components such as education, geography and social interactions on the type and application of each of the current expanded and compounded constructions in speakers' dialogue. Also, despite the talent of both Persian and Kurdish languages in the tendency towards current composite constructions, the considerable frequency and frequency of prefix verbs in the Kurdish language indicates deeper ties with the current constructions of the expansion in the this language.
  4. Comparative Analysis of The Poems of Seyed Ali Salehi and Sherko Bekas
    Form, is the contexture of word and is a series of techniques and schemes which they model a literary system relatively with each other, in a way that literariness of a literary piece is in pledge of form. Therefore, all the elements in the contexture of a literary piece, are figured as components of Form and according to the characteristics of each one of these components which could have in the frame of the text, and their connection and organic relativity with each other, finally, literary system would be formed, though the content is a part of Form and shaped in literary form of word, which assumptioning the seperation of Content from Form is wrong; because a very important part of Form's figure is derived from content and subjectivity,But there are some notions and thought and immence historical issues and text exterior which act more extensive than Form; which means the bases, cognative subjects, historical and text-exteriors are forming a frame of literary piece in more expand and bigger purview, and what under the title of content in our attention in this thesis is relevant to this extent; for example, subjects like "Freedom" have expanded text-exterior origins which they appear in bigger and more immense basis and attitudes and formed huge bases as cognative or ideoloigic origins which the writer or the poet and though the text as a "subject" are living in these cognative and ideologic basis and artistic prespectives and world view of the writer or poet are shaped affected by this huge basis. This twofold approach causes us to keep distance form the extravagances and one sided views due to the ignorance of text-extrior contexture of literary piece. In this research with comparative approach, we proceed to evaluate the forming components and methods of literary piece's contexture and also the most important components and elements forming the Subject matters of Seyed Ali Salehi and Sherko Bekas' poems, in a way which could examinate the most important thoughts and notion bases and text-exterior forming the poems of Salehi and Bekas, therewith knowing the Forms of literary Poetics poems of them. According to this, we proceed to examine the different techniques of literary and lingual criteria busting of Salehi and Bekas' poems and in the next step, we proceed to examine and analyse the most important key components of these two contemporary great poets' thoughts.
  5. Comparativ analysis of feminist style in Tooba and the meaning of night by Shahrnoosh Parsipour and the sunset Butterfly by Bakhtiar Ali
    Women's literature is one of the important branches of literature in the world, especially in the contemporary era, with the emergence of modernity and the formation of historical self-awareness, the gendering of literature (by female writers) based on women's experience and perspective, or the criticism of literary works (even the works of men). Based on the lines and components determined by feminist criticism, it expresses historical self-awareness towards women and their works (or related to them). Feminist stylistics is the study of style from the perspective of beliefs and opinions related to women's social status and rights. "Language and gender" and "feminist writing and personal and social issues related to women" are important topics in this approach. In this research, relying on the method of Sarah Mills in feminist stylistics, in order to criticize and examine the levels and shapes of feminine style in two novels, Toba and Meaning of Night by Shahrnoosh Parsipour and Gorob Parvaneh by Bakhtiar Ali, the style of these two works in three levels of vocabulary, including And the discourse is examined and analyzed. The results of the research show the confrontation of two traditional and modern discourses in facing the "women's issue" in two eastern societies. Meanwhile, the crystallization of the woman's individuality in these two novels faces various challenges from the society. In terms of language, two authors have tried to represent the female aspects in the language of the novel, and of course, the language of Shahrnoush Parsipour, considering the author's own female character, has better represented the aspects of female writing, as well as the stronger adventure dimension that exists in the novel Gorob Parvaneh. It can express the male worldview of the author of Goroob Parvaneh, which is more than paying attention to the movement in the everyday context of the world of the story and paying attention to everyday details and dealing hermeneutically and interpretatively with mentalities and perceptions of life and everyday details, more to create a world full of adventures and complex (along with various and adventurous events) tend. Magical realism in the butterfly sunset has a more obvious expression than this in Toba and the meaning of the night. In fact, the scenes and moods containing magical realism in Toba and the meaning of the night are mostly the result of personal perceptions, passions and mental manifestations of the main character (i.e. Toba), but in Pravaneh Sunset, the creation of magical realism spaces has a clearer form; That is, the events and places of the story are part of the plot, but in both novels, the trick of magical realism is a tactic to escape from the real world and the reality existing in two traditional societies; Two societies that do not allow the individuality of the heroes of the two stories (Toba and Parvaneh) to be recognized, and the heroes inevitably take refuge in that other mental world (in Toba and Meaning of the Night) or the real world (in Paravaneh Sunset)
  6. Typology of the main characters in Sadegh Chubak's stories based on the Enneagram pattern
    Sadegh Chubak is one of the prominent short story writers in Persian literature. Due to her familiarity with Western literature and prominent writers of the school of naturalism, he is one of the pioneers of this literary school in Persian literature and has left the most significant works of the school of naturalism in Iran. Paying attention to the psychological characteristics of the characters, paying attention to details and close-ups, and being reportable are the characteristics of Chubak's style. Given the naturalistic aspect of Chubak's works, the psychological analysis of Chubak's stories is a necessity for research in contemporary fiction. The typographic model of the characters according to the Enneagram method is a psychological model according to which the characters may be in one of nine types: 1- THE REFORMER 2- THE HELPER 3- THE ACHIEVER 4- THE INDIVIDUALIST 5- THE INVESTIGATOR 6- THE LOYALIST 7- THE ENTHUSIAST 8- THE CHALLENGER 9- THE PEACEMAKER. Each of the personality types may tend to one of the stress and relaxation wings or the side wings depending on the course of the story. In this study, according to the psychological characteristics of Chubak's stories, in order to explain the frequency of specific psychological types in Chubak's works, to recognize Chubak's psychological approaches and techniques in characterization in his stories, and to explain the relationship between specific personality types in Chubak's novels. Based on the typology model of Enneagram (focusing on the main characters), we have studied and analyzed the characterization in Chubak stories. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the data have been extracted and collected by library and document mining methods and have been analyzed using the Enneagram personality typology model. The results show that among the 40 characters surveyed, the personality type "successful and actor" with 17.5% frequency, followed by the personality types "kind and compassionate", "loyal and loyal" and "leader and manager" each with 15% have the highest frequency. In terms of the tendency of personality types to the other type, the results show that the "kind and loving" personality type with 22.5% has the highest tendency of the main characters to this type, followed by "mediator and pacifist" personality types and "Art lover and fantasist" with 17.5% and 15%, respectively, show the most tendency on the part of the main characters of the stories. Also, among the 40 main characters surveyed, 27.5% of them tended to relaxation wings and 42.5% tended to stress wings, and 20% of the characters were static and stagnant. The tendency towards the wings of "kind and benevolent", "mediator and pacifist" and "artist and imaginative" in the psychological depths of most of the studied characters shows that despite the superstructure full of components of poverty, delinquency and social backwardness in particular Given the audience's attention to the inferior characters of society and their great sufferings in his storytelling, As the height of the suffering of these characters has ultimately led them to a kind of austerity or a weak degree of refinement. In this sense, Chubak's storytelling is one of the few narratives that tries to make the audience aware of their human depth by reflecting a close and radical view of the seemingly criminal and ugly characters of the society. And portraying them as captive and subjugated subjects of society, class, social identity, economics, history, and ideology is an attempt to sympathize with them, although the exaggeration of this type of representation shows no window of hope for their well-being (except in the novel). "Tangsir"), to some extent, has led to the one-sidedness of his narratives, as characters are "naturalized" subjects in constructed maps and situations, they are often represented as different types of "subjugated human beings in their physical and instinctive nature." As the social, cultural, and ideo
  7. Narratology of Jahangirnameh based on Greimas’ Pattern
    Narratology is a new area in approaches to literary criticism of Iranian and global literature. In this regard, Algirdas Julien Greimas the famous Russian structuralist and semiotician was among top theorists of Narratology. Epics are one of the important literary genres which can be approached from a psychological perspectives. One of these epics is depicted in Jahangirnameh written by a poet called Qasem who adopted pseudonym of Madeh. It tells the story of war of Jahangir, son of Rostam with Persians, joining in Iranian army and fight with Rostam with west. Therefore, this study approaches Jahangirnameh based on new literary theories such as Narratology so as to identify the motifs of stories of the work, actors and action pattern in stories of this work and review the chain of significance and significance square in those stories. This study is done through a descriptive-analytical method and it adopts a library review. The goal of this study is comparison of this work of literature with theories of pattern of action, narration chain and significance square which Greimas introduced. The results suggest that the epic has a complete structural and narrative pattern and it can be approached according to Greimas’ structuralist and semiotic theories
  8. روایت شناسی حماسه در ایران
    حماسه یکی از مهم ترین انواع ادبی است و از ادوار باستان تا کنون همواره به عنوان یکی از گونه های مهم سخن سرایی مورد توجه بوده است. حماسه ها در کنار بیان رزم ها و دلاوری ها، عناصر مهمی از پیشینه های اساطیری، تاریخی و تمدنی یک ملت را با خود دارند. وجه مهم حماسه، روایی بودن آن است. حماسه ها با وجود روساخت های متنوعشان بر مبنای الگوها و ساختارهای خاصی شکل گرفته اند.
  9. ساختار آشنا سازی در شاهنامه فردوسی با مقایسه با دیگر آثار حماسی جهان
    شاهنامه فردوسی آمیزه ای از روایت داستانی ، اسطوره ، حماسه و تأثیرات تاریخی و تمدنی است . این ویژگی ها در کنار متأخر بودن زمان سرودن شاهنامه نسبت به آثاری چون مهابهاراتا ، رامایانا ، ایلیاد و ادیسه باعث شده که عناصری از عصر خردگرایی و یگانه پرستی نیز داستان های شاهنامه را تحت شعاع خویش قرار داد.